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Ridiculous ruby meta programming hack


Ruby 1.8.6 has a bug where Dir.glob will glob on a tainted string in $SAFE level 3 or 4 without raising a SecurityError as would be expected. You can see this from the following code:

lambda { $SAFE = 4; Dir.glob('/**') }.call # raises SecurityError
lambda { $SAFE = 4; Dir.glob(['/**']) }.call # => [ ... files ... ]

So I set out to fix this with pure ruby… and it ended up requiring some really crazy stuff. I’ll first show what I ended up with, then go through and explain why:

class Dir
  class << self
    safe_level_password = File.open('/dev/urandom','r'){|f| f.read(10000) }
    m = Dir.method(:glob)
    define_method :glob do |password, safe, *args|
      raise SecurityError if safe_level_password != password
      $SAFE = safe
      # pass along glob opts
      opts = args.last.is_a?(Fixnum) ? args.pop : []
      args.flatten.map do |arg|
        m.call(arg, *opts)
    eval %{
      alias safe_glob glob
      def glob(*a)
        safe_glob(#{safe_level_password.inspect}, $SAFE, *a)
# freeze Dir so that no one can redefine safe_glob* to catch password

So first things first. The simple way to fix this bug is to alias glob, iterate over the array passed to the new glob and then call the original glob with one argument at a time, since we know it correctly checks taint with only one argument.

But wait, if we alias the original method then someone could still access the original and pass it an array. So we have to use a “secure” version of alias method chaining. Essentially, we capture the method object of the original method in the local scope, then we use define_method to overwrite the original method name with our new implementation and call the original method object which we have ‘closed’ over. This allows us access to the original method while preventing anyone else from doing so.

But there’s another problem. $SAFE levels are captured in blocks just as local variables. This means our define_method version of glob will always run at the $SAFE level it was defined in, namely $SAFE level 0. Meaning if you call Dir.glob from a $SAFE level 4 it will still get executed at level 0. This is of course the exact opposite of what we want. We are in a worse position now than before. Now we could call Dir.glob with a single tainted parameter and it would work.

How do we fix this? We need to use def to define the method so that the current $SAFE level 0 isn’t captured. Instead $SAFE will reflect the $SAFE level of the caller. But if we use def we can’t use the secure alias method technique.

One option is to have the define_method version set the $SAFE level explicitly before calling glob. But then we run into the issue of how to know what to set it to? There is no way of determining the $SAFE level of the caller without explicitly passing it in.

Ok, so what if we def a method which then calls the define_method method and passes its $SAFE level as an argument? Well then the problem is how do you give the def method access to the define_method method without giving other evil code access to the define_method method as well. Because then that evil code could just lie and pass a level of 0.

This is the crazy part. The way to prevent the evil method from executing the define_method method is to use a password!

Both the def and define_method methods can share a secret which is only available in the local scope where they are defined. Since the password is only a string we can use eval to create the def method and insert the password into it. As long as the define_method method verifies the secret is correct before continuing we can be sure the only method able to call it is the def method.

I never thought I’d be sharing a secret between methods. I know this is a big house of cards. Can anyone figure out how to make it tumble? Or a better way to fix the glob bug (without C).

And yes, you must also do the same for Dir.[] but I left it out for sake of brevity.

BTW, here’s the patch if you actually care enough to recompile:

--- dir.c.orig	2009-02-21 21:49:09.000000000
+++ dir.c	2009-02-21 21:49:38.000000000
@@ -1659,7 +1659,7 @@
     for (i = 0; i < argc; ++i) {
 	int status;
 	VALUE str = argv[i];
-	StringValue(str);
+	SafeStringValue(str);
 	status = push_glob(ary, RSTRING(str)->ptr, flags);
 	if (status) GLOB_JUMP_TAG(status);

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